Service Professions


Villefranche Sur Saône

Cutting, stripping, marking of electrical conductors

Operations aimed at cutting a conductor, removing its insulating envelope and marking it.

Inkjet marking wires
Inkjet marking wires
Cutting electrical conductors

The cut is usually done automatically using a robot. The goal is to place the right amount on the cable reel, and cutting the length set on the client level.
If the plan does not contain specific tolerances, we apply the following tolerances:

Pre-cut of the wires
Pre-cut of the wires
Stripping of electrical conductors

This operation, which consists in removing the insulation of the conductor may be performed on the cutting robot, or independently on a stripping machine (according to characteristics of the cable).
The quality of crimping lugs depend on the performance of stripping.
Below, our tolerances for stripping lengths:

Double insulation wires
Double insulation wires
Marking of electrical conductors

Directed at the same time as cutting, this operation is to identify the driver with "ink jet".
It is a way to distinguish them drivers, especially when assembling a harness.

Cutting control
  • Correspondence Control Plan / OF and index nomenclature
  • Article code control or text / plan or nomenclature OF
  • Control of the total length from instruction
  • Color control, stripping length and stripping
  • Monitoring the presence of the marking at the ends or continuously
  • Marking control
  • Control no strands is cut
  • Control appearance cut: straight cut
  • Monitoring the presence of the insulation end if pre-stripping
  • Control quantities OF / Machine
  • Control the appearance son (scratches, marks ...)
“All our wiring wires are on sale in our available stock section”